Financially prepare for the future of your family

About Us

No one likes to think or talk about a time in which they are no longer around, but the subject of later life planning (specifically funeral arrangements) really shouldn't be seen or treated as a taboo. The consequences of not having sensible provisions or plans in place for your family and loved ones can potentially be catastrophic (in terms of getting into debt due to a sudden bereavement).

However, with the help of a recent push by the media (including the BBC ***) twinned with nationally publicised independent studies** into the sharply rising costs of funeral arrangements, the lack of adequate government support and the absolute need for individuals to really consider the options that are available to them; the subject of funeral planning will hopefully become less of a delicate subject.

We help hundreds of people get the right funeral in place and save thousands in the long run. We take a great deal of pride in the service that we offer and are on hand to give you the right advice and guide you through what is ultimately, a very important decision.